Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How do we stop crackcocaine?

Is crackcocaine like a car? Is crackcocaine like a child acting up? Is crackcocaine like a flowing river? Is crackcocaine like a running back on a championship football team? HOW DO WE STOP CRACKCOCAINE?
When we look at crackcocaine like any of the above situations it too can be stopped. We tend to complicate crackcocaine. Treatment centers really have not got a clue as to what and how to conquer crackcocaine. They ARE experts in "arresting addiction", but we know that crackcocaine is way more than just substance abuse and or addiction. Crackcocaine contaminates and possesses your body, soul and spirit. Does anyone have a better description for this horrible insidious stuff? Oh, you say it is a disease of addiction and the "cure" is going to meetings and getting a sponsor? Why is this disease so easily "cured"? Just go to meetings and call your sponsor and all is cured. BUT...if you miss a meeting or do not call your sponsor...the disease is back? Where did it go? I suppose if you do not take prescribed medication for a disease, it would come back too! How do we stop crackcocaine?
We stop crackcocaine by attacking crack. We stop crackcocaine by making a decision that absolutely no more money, no more time, and no more lies will ever go to crack again. There, plain and simple. But it cannot be that simple. Yes it can and is. But, but...it is so hard to stop! Wah-WAh. Yes it is hard to stop. In fact it might just be the single most difficult thing you will ever do outside of dealing with death. Of course death and crack are best friends. Maybe not in the flesh death sense, but most definently in the spiritual sense. Then we find that when we are spiritually dead, flesh death is not far behind, kinda just waiting to pounce, waiting for the right moment that is more than likely to be out of place and before your life mission is complete.
HOW DO WE STOP CRACKCOCAINE? Just like a traffic light. It turns red and we stop, right? Or we get a citation for our error. With crackcocaine there is no citation with a fine to pay and all goes away. Crackcocaine penetrates life in all aspects. The evil penetration from crackcocaine is the same evil penetration that will cause you to fly planes into buildings killing thousands of people. The difference is one is taught and lived from birth, the other is self induced. So we must be very quiet, it cannot be crack that does that...shhhhhh! Hey they were brought up like that and smoking crack cannot be that evil. It is that evil. Just look around and look at the statistics. Treatment programs that claim 83% success rate are saying that WHILE in their facility the person worked the program and upon exiting the program will maintain being clean? For how long? If the truth be told (and it is not) almost ALL crackheads smoke crack again. A VERY small percent stop forever. No one wants you to know this. Then no one will go to these places and the money dries up and the facility closes.
1. Seperate the "crack" person and the person.
2. Expose crackcocaine in ALL aspects regardles of who finds out and now knows.
3. If meetings and sponsors help, then use them and go to meetings.
4. Find a church that uses the BIBLE as their road map.
5. TELL THE TRUTH. "Honesty means never having to remember what you said"!
6. DIRECT DEPOSIT. Have ZERO money access...period.
7. Read Romans 7:14-20
8. Do not allow ANY crackthought more that 2.5 seconds of time in your mind.
9. Realize it is not if...BUT...when the overwhelming urges are coming. HAVE A PLAN READY.
10. Be safe with safe people 24/7
11. Change jobs and change locations if needed to seperate your life and the closeness of crack.
12. Light your cigarettes from the stove and DO NOT go to the store for matches.
13. Find a website that offers no hope and says give up on the person...then we seem really good.
14. Admit you are a CRACKHEAD and say this outloud to anyone.
15. Pray ONCE for temptation resisting power over crackcocaine and believe it WILL happen.
16. Proclaim: Crackcocaine IS the devilscandy and I believe IT IS out to kill my life and me.
17. DAILY REMINDER: Crackcocaine and prison inmate have the same amount of letters.
18. Get and do our 75 Day Program.
19. Frequent www.devilscandy.com and www.crackcocainerecovery.com for consistent help.
20. DO EXACTLY WHAT The Devils Candy Ministry Services suggests. Otherwise you are
responsible for your own crackhell!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Day after Christmas and Day 76 go together.

Ok day after Christmas now what do we do? Ok I completed the 75 Days now what do I do? Both of these days have either a big let down or a big sigh of relief. All the gifts that need returning and the tree needs to be brought out to the street along with cleaning up the house with all the boxes and wrap and toys! Day 76 is just another day free from crack. This is the same effort as returning gifts. The waiting in lines, finding the correct "new" gift or even just remembering where the reciept is. Day 76 is just like finding that reciept. It takes work and patience and yes even a little luck. Can we expect luck with crackcocaine? When we make enough "deposits" in the doing what we are supposed to be doing account, then we can make a withdrawl without overdrawing our account. Luck involving crack comes from "attacking crack". If we just give in and give up because it IS so difficult, then crack wins. If we get an attitude towards "finishing up" Christmas with all the returns and cleaning and this attitude is out front, we loose because we will rob our children of the JOY in Christmas. If our children see us struggling with patience, then they too will struggle. When we do not expose crack in all ways including "what do we do on day 76", then the enemy slips in un-noticed. Day 76 is just like Day 1, just another day crackfree. We go right to Day 1 again and start the process again and we do this until "WE GET IT RIGHT"! We do not care if this takes a few times or many times or many, many times. We do what it takes to get it right. We do whatever it takes to get Christmas together for the kids to feel the joy of Christ being born. We do whatever it takes to get our life and joy back so our loved one's can enjoy who God created us to be...and that is not a person smoking crackcocaine. We find celebration in the birth of Christ...we find celebration in "attacking crack". When we share the joy of Christmas, we find freedom from life's evil. When we expose crackcocaine, we find freedom from crackcocaine. The reason these two subjects are together in the same paragraph is, if we would just accept the true meaning of Cristmas and when we do, Christmas seems more rich, more deep, more meaning. If we would just accept that crackcocaine IS the devilscandy and act upon this belief, then freedom from crackcocaine seems real, feels possible, truly becomes clearer and life without crackcocaine is a reality.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"Attacking Crack"

When we know what we are supposed to do and then do not do it, who is responsible for the crackhell? When we finish our 75 day program, what next? When we get the "Holiday" spirit to smoke crackcoaine, do we? We cannot promise anyone anything when it comes to crackfreedom. We CAN get you to a point where it is just a temptation and NOT a possession anymore...but what about day 76? Well, first you must to listen to what we say and ACT accordingly. No crackhead will get better in just 5 weeks. Oh they should be showing progress, but to let them weasel their way back into the house when they did in fact only do 1 thing to "attack crack" in those 5 weeks. Well they sounded better. They said they were tired of crack. They mentioned that the quanity was way less lately so it will be easy to NOT use. I know what I have to do. I am ready now...but...I must be able to run my game on you such as do what I want when I want with whom I want where I want because I deserve SOMETHING. I mean I worked REAL hard at quitting crack over the last 5 weeks. So when I want to just hang-out, it is no big deal so do not bother me over this small item of behavior. I can have anyone call me, email me, text message me in any form at any time for any reason, after all I know what to do about this crackthing! Rules? Like what? Oh how about being accountable for EVERY minute of the day. Oh how about being accountable to EVERY phone call I make and recieve (just in case it MIGHT be the crackdealer). Oh how about being accountable for EVERY dime and penny just in case "the money" should allow for easy access to crackcocaine. But hey, you know what to do...you have attacked crackcocaine 1 time in five weeks! You are now a CRACKSPERT! A know-it-all crackhead! Now that makes for a great chance of freedom from the possession of crackcocaine on your body, soul and spirit. But hey, you know all there is to know on "attacking crack"! Let's see...we have a crackhead who supposedly did not smoke crackcocaine for the 5 weeks they were gone...and they promised to go from the bus when they got back and go right from that bus to a treatment center for at least 28 days...and they came back and went right home and in just a short time the pattern started again because they were asked to be accountable on who is calling them...oh yeah they know what to do about this crackthing and that is definently not being accountable. After all why should they? They know what to do. Do you? Apparently not. Let me recap again...a crackhead NOT willing to do WHATEVER it takes to stop the madness...no...no...no wait a minute!...I think this time it is the non-crackhead. But hey why should you follow all the things this ministry says to you? The crackhead knows what to do about this crackthing. Use and abuse you once again, and again, and again! Until YOU get really pissed at crackcocaine and will "attack crack" 24/7 for as long as it takes to either: #1 leave and find a life without a crackhead to deal with..or #2 stay strong so the crackhead has a chance to find freedom instead of once again maipulating the situation so the crack and you can stay. One HAS GOT TO GO!! You decide. Stay and "attack crack" 24/7, or go to a non-crack life. Those are the 2 choices. Your emotional weakness will not allow crackfreedom. It is NOT Your fault, but it is your responsibility to "attack crack" if that is what you decided to do. And if that is your decision then STOP giving in to the crackhead...until they have daily progress that can be seen and felt...DAILY...do not give in. Being lonely will not help a crackhead find peace and freedom. Being lonely is a choice. Being a victim of crackcocaine is also a choice. Maybe we should focus on your inability to make right choices. Instead of directing the energy towards crack, I suspect a lot of "other" choices go in an incorrect direction. Helping a crackhead sucks! SUCKS BIGTIME!! BUT...if your decision is to make the choice to stay and be a soldier in "attacking crack", then do EXACTLY what is said to you as far as HOW TO get a crackhead going in the right direction. YOU CANNOT be weak. GET REALLY PISSED-OFF AT CRACKCOCAINE...REALLY PISSED! So pissed off at crackcocaine you will stop at NOTHING and not let some weak words, promises, or love emotions get in the way of your decision to make that choice of "attacking crack". CRACK-IS-CRACK...SAD but TRUE!! Now do what your heart tells you to do not your mind...YOUR heart KNEW NOT to let him into the home again...but you emotions said I hope it will be OK...I want it to be OK....it can be. There is always hope until death does its thing. Make the RIGHT choices not the comfortable one's.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Christmas and Crack-Cocaine

When we take the "Christ" out of Christmas it has zero meaning. When we take the crack out of crack-cocaine, people think it is just "cocaine", and "cocaine" is recreational and not addictive and certainly NOT possessive. Why do we allow Christmas to go on as just a "happy hoilday", or "season's greetings"? This is a celebration for the birth and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not just a "happy season of holiday greetings"! The hectic gift giving already gets us in the wrong direction away from the true meaning of Christmas. Cocaine is not the problem, crack is. Then why do we say cocaine or drugs when it is crack-cocaine. It cannot be crack. Hey "season greetings" is just another way of saying Merry Christmas. Why not say that then? Why not say crack-cocaine like it is one word...CRACKCOCAINE. In fact that will be the new way I will write this word. I have made a decision to say Merry Christmas and NOT say the "other" two ways I mentioned before. What is amazing is when we take a stand for something, those that ridicule mean zero and those that agree are part of the team that can conquer anything. Alexander "the great" was against ALL odds and overcame them. The softer, politically correct approach to Christmas so all can be included and not be offended by the name "Christ" in Christmas are the same morons who do not, will not, cannot or just won't attack crackcocaine. Instead their politicaly correct way is to go to a meeting or accept that you are powerless over crackcocaine and will go for the rest of their life in recovery waiting for "the relapse" around the next corner. Of course if all meetings were attended and all the calls made to sponsors were done, no one would ever relapse. How about believing that crackcocaine is the devil's candy. How about believing Christmas is all about Christ. How about taking a stand for these two things. If we believe in Christ ALL things are possible. So if your are addicted to 12 step meetings and believe that your "higher power" is a chair, or person, or the people around those tables, then you will only arrest your powerlessness over crackcocaine. When you believe crackcocaine is the devil's candy, and Christ is the answer and power over crackcocaine, you will conquer crackcocaine. It is just THAT simple. Snap...just like that!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Is it REALLY crack-cocaine?

Well...he is not smoking as much as he used too! Living in a Crack-Hotel with a crack-ho living the crack-life is just so wonderful. I had a great job. I had a great wife. My kids are great too! Funny thing is I do not know who they are or who I am! Oh wait, that's right-"I am not a crack-head, I haven't smoked crack in three weeks except for today. Besides that, I am not on DRUGS. My life is going good. I lost my job, left my wife and kids, exist with a woman who loves crack and hey, I have convinced my entire family that they are crazy and everything is F.I.N.E., it is not crack or at least not as much, so what's the big deal?"
The big deal is your a liar, cheat and a completely possessed crack-head. I know when we are completely possessed by crack, we feel hopeless. This is not an admitted feeling though. We are 10 feet tall and bazooka proof when we smoke crack. When in reality we are a micrscopic ameba in a pond of lies and despair. The despair associated with crack-cocaine is so deep it will actually paint or bring a picture of life and crack together. Crack and life cannot go together. Oh they do go along for awile side by side...then crack statrs to make its move. Once it has progressed to possession, the cloud of evil surrounding people who use crack, or in language of truth..."crack-heads", is so thick and decieving it will blind all around it and convince life that crack can come along. It is pathetic to watch a person's life be destroyed by crack. So sad. The amazing thing to me still to this day is how "crack-life" can convince so many people that either it is not crack, or that they are not using drugs and could and never would do "stuff" like "that" and that everyone else is crazy and life is just hectic right now and the job has issues and my spouse is just spewing because I am NOT smoking crack so whatever all the "weird" circumstances are, are just that "weird circumstances" and I realy do not know what you are talking about. All the Mom's who cannot admit their baby might be a crack-head. All the Dad's who keep trying to fix the problem with money. All the spouses who want to be "the crack" in their wondering "other" spouses life instead of actual crack! What a f 'ing mess crack-cocaine causes!! No way...shhhhhhhhh. it is not crack....shhhhhhh. Why crack? Because crack-cocaine is the devil's candy. Has anyone got a better description for this stuff? Crack-cocaine is what it is and does what it does simply to destroy life from the inside out. That is why it is so difficult. It contaminates and then possesses from the inside. The smoke from crack is Lucifer's breathe going straight inside your body. What a great gimmick he has got to possess souls. Smoke this candy and...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Crack-Cocaine Behavior - "It's not crack it's just things in my life are so tough right now"!

Aren't we all sick of crappy behaviors So when a person stays out all night and has no food in the refridgerator, and cable is shut-off and we continually buy from Goodwill instead of striving for new "things" in life that we can in fact call "our own", and our car is a mess inside and we go through it for hours with such a "tweaking" and find nothing that we really were not looking for anyway, and the constant "chattering" with questions of complete irrelevant content just to talk, and go out to get "a book of matches" and get threatened by "crack-dealers" so we give them our car, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on..........and we say this is not crack behavior? So does crack-behavior come only when we smoke crack? Who knows for sure, do you? "It's not crack, I was just sick yesterday...AGAIN". Seems people are sick a lot with 18 hour bugs. Weird. We are late for work because we overslept, I think the power went out or something! Ever heard of a wind up alarm clock? Why are your eyes bugging out and so red? "Oh that is because this time of the year with all the 'christmas trees' and their "sap" branches and oh yeah the "pine needles" gets my eyes going. I must be alergic to "Christmas Trees". Must be. What is weird though, is when we pass "pine needles" other times of the year and in different locations, this does not seem to happen. "Oh, it is the christmas "pine needles". Oh, I see. How stupid of me not to realize that insane statement. Hey, let me ask you...does anyone REALLY believe that crap? Oh, you do. Well I do not. Crack behavior sucks...even if it is the "non-using" crack-behavior. I AM NOT A CRACK-HEAD. I HAVE NOT SMOKED ANY CRACK IN THREE WEEKS...EXCEPT FOR TODAY!! Another crack-head behavior, but it is not crack....ssshhhh!!

Sunday, December 05, 2004


>Behind every successful man stands a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law. -Brooks Hays >Fathers are pals nowadays because they do not have the guts to be fathers. -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
>Do not wait for your ship to come in. Row out to meet it. -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
>If a care is too small to be turned into a prayer, it is too small to be made into a burden< "Casting all your cares upon him: for he careth for you"...1 Peter 5:7 >Those who deserve love the least need it the most< "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curses you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"...Matthew 5:44 >Your words are windows to your heart< "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh...Matthew 12:34 ...these quips are from the Devil's Candy book- some quips of unknown origin...
>We need to know God's truth to expose Lucifer's lies< >Regardless of our pasts, we, too, can learn to trust God if we will only let go< >Afflictions are often God's best blessings in disguise< >Dear God, Please help me be the person that my dog thinks I am< >Happiness IS a choice< >If it don't apply, let it fly< >Instead of counting your days, make each day count< >Grief is a profound part of recovery< >Discipline means taking responsibility for our behavior and the consequences< >Take time to think of where you are going, or you might not like where you end up< We must think about how to stop crack-cocaine. We cannot just live life as a crack-head and then decide to not be a crack-head and do this without a plan of attack against crack. If we think we can just trust our "intentions" we will fall into the crack-trap. The crack-trap is messy. Our Belief #3 states: "We believe we all experience the "crack-trap" both mentally and physically". So this says both mentally and physicaly which translates into completely. Crack-cocaine COMPLETELY dominates all life that is near, involved with or surrounded by crack in any form whether we are using or not. So we must think about HOW to stop the madness of smoking crack-cocaine and not sugar coat any part of gathering your weapons of attack into your arsenal to in fact "attack crack" and find YOUR complete freedom forever from the contamination and possession of crack-cocaine in your body, soul and spirit. You want complete freedom from crack? Do exactly what we TELL you to do. You could do exactly what "THEY" (meaning the fellowship) "suggest" you do and you will also not use. The difference is with "their" methods you will arrest crack and hold it captive for as long as you can, and it is quite possible crack could escape the arresting method just like a criminal could escape their "arresting method". With our statments of facts on how to stop crack in its track...you accomplish true freedom and not just waiting for the next "relapse" because you might have missed a meeting or not calling your sponsor. Crack-cocaine IS the devilscandy, and that is exactly how we deal with this horrible insidious substance. Anything "softer", "nicer" and less "mean" should go to a website that helps with...oh lets say...a person addicted to maybe chocolate or maybe TV or maybe starring at the sun. If you want to "attack crack" because you are sick of the despair from crack, you have found the correct place, people and things to accomplish conquering crack-cocaine. CRACK IS CRACK...SAD BUT TRUE! HOPE IS HEAR NOW! WE ARE "THE CRACK-CONQUERORS".

Friday, December 03, 2004

Crack-heads with money!

So we just get out of jail and we get a job and within two weeks we have some money, somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple hundred dollars. Out of no-where the crack-head says, "Boy am I hungry. I think I will go down to the store and get me some food. Hey, "George"(his brother), can I borrow your truck and go get some food? I will be right back! I promise." What is not revealed, said and reminded is that this is how it should have gone..."Oh and by the way, I am a crack-head fresh out of jail and have over two hundred dollars in my pocket and I just need to use your truck so I can buy some food..OK?" Sure crack-head you can use my vehicle. I trust you and I ESPECIALLY trust crack. Crack is crack...Sad but true! I believe you when you say you will be right back. C ya in a little bit, and can ya bring me some candy? A twixt bar would be great. More like a twist of the mind. Bent so far it seems like no end is in sight. Will this crack-crap ever stop? NOT IF WE LET A CRACK-HEAD FRESH OUT OF JAIL FIRST GO OUT ALONE AND THEN HAVE TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ON THEM! Is this stupid? No it is not. This is what happens with crack. It is sneaky and overwhelming. The urges take over all of your inner being. Completely dominating your thoughts. More crack, more crack, more crack...more...more...more! Crack is crack...sad but true. DIRECT DEPOSIT. DIRECT DEPOSIT. DIRECT DEPOSIT. These words probably piss off a crack-head more than the words "crack-head". It is because they know that their access to crack is in jeporady. TOO BAD! We need to interupt the crack-cycle. This cannot be done when a crack-head gets money before they are ready to deal with THAT temptation. I did not handle or touch money for the first 6 months...NONE. Then I asked and wanted Camille to handle the money so I could focus on stopping the madness of smoking crack-cocaine instead of fighting the overwhelming urges every second of every day because I had money! It was 2 more YEARS before I started to touch money. Today I handle all the money in our house. Camille and I agree as to how we spend our money and money is not a crack-object or temptation at all. Until this is reached, a crack-head never gets money and has to be willing to direct deposit...NOW.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Crack Kids

When we smoke crack, we kill children. If it is not in the physical, it IS in the emotional and spiritual. The exposure to kids is so deeply penetrating, the enemy loves it. The "enemy" you say who might that be? Well, when crack-cocaine enters the kindergarten arena from a child killing a 6 year old classmate with a gun brought from the crack-house home he lived in, and the media goes into their usual mis-guided attempt to focus on the gun and not the crack...it is no wonder children are dying everyday from crack. We do not hear about it though because it is disguised as "abuse", "neglect", too young of a parent and a host of "other" excuses as to why a child might be in a horrible situation surrounded by crack, yet that is NOT why the child has only an existence or none at all as in dead. If we ask ourselves how many crack-heads there really are out there, do we just ignore the fact that children are also around the crack. If this generation of crack-head parents do not stop smoking crack, then how can we expect the innocent children to be able to get this stuff out of their lives. Crack destroys everything. The parents of the 2 month old baby that died because they FORGOT to feed their child is a clear warning that crack-cocaine is the most evil "substance" known to mankind. So what do we do about that? Crack-cocaine needs to be attacked 24/7. We can never let our guard down when it comes to crack. For that baby to die during the Thanksgiving Holiday is disgusting and sick. When we celebrate this Holiday we are supposed to be thankful for what we have, not what we lost or do not have. I am so sickened by this baby dying. I have been free from crack for many several years. Today I attack crack regardless of the negativity expressed by "traditional" and "group fellowship terroists" who are brainwashed into actually believing that "their" way and the 12 step god Bill W.'s way is THE ONLY way to "arrest" their "addiction" to anything. Well...this is such a true fact that those that practice it are blinded by the fact that they ARE "arresting" their "addiction" and that IS all they are doing. The simple fact the we were created by God to have a life of prosperity and freedom to have a life, and that means we were not created to smoke crack-cocaine. This transforms into the FACT that because of this, crack can be conquered for life and we can be crack-free forever from the possession of crack-cocaine simply because this is NOT what God has planned for our live's. The enemy loves it when we complicate crack and catagorize it into "all other substances abuse" and therefore we MUST attend meetings which become an addiction to themselves, but hey this is the only way...right? WRONG.