Sunday, January 13, 2008

WOW! How cool is this!

Just like this Festival jam...when we persevere in FAITH...great things happen!

Congratulation Son. I knew you could do it. I am amazed at your growth over the last
75 days, and more amazed at my own. You have been an inspiration for many and this old man is among the many. I feel confident that the next 75 days will bring more growth and
inspiration. I am actually on your day one now, so let us continue in our growth together.

Thanks MiKe.

I love You


Thanks dad and I love you very much. I am very thankful that you have been a prt of this with me even though we are 2,000 miles apart.

I am really excited that you want to do the 2nd round with me. Im going to buy you one of the 75 Day DIYGTCF Books and send it to you, that way you can read it and the posts I make will make a little more sense as to whay I am focusing on certain things petaining to that day.

I know its hard for you but if you can try and listen to the daily radio shows to, they shed a lot on this whole thing and i know you would enjoy them.

I love you and am blessed to have you for my dad!!


Friday, January 04, 2008

Grace & Consequences

Grace & Consequences...
The sooned we take FULL responsibility for our consequences from OUR smoking crack cocaine, the sooner we can really start the true journey to freedom.

It was so bad it is embarrassing to even tell myself. The memories now are the kinds that make you put your head in your hands and say in breathy sighs, “Oh my God”.

It was so bad I should have died. The physical abuse to myself was horrendous. The price I pay later in life I truly hope has some grace bestowed upon it.

It was so bad I ruined every relationship I ever had. I ruined my relationship with life. I ceased to exist. I was written off many times. Never to correct himself. A crack-head lifer earning a degree in crackology to become a crackologist.

It was so bad living in my car was Ok. That way no rent was due.

It was so bad...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Most of the Time

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Most of the Time we do not take crack cocaine seriously. We make it to be just another drug. Crack LOVES this advantage. Crack LOVES to stay labeled as "just a drug". That way it can surround you and attack before you know what hit you. SO...because we now know this, why would we take that chance? I would suggest you take a chance on this ministry...the DVC Ministry...and quit thinking you know how to stop crack cocaine...if you would not be reading this right now!