Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Good Morning Crackheads!

What crack does to an individual is so pathetic.
Can you believe someone who has no more than 4 months clean can palgarize content from my website program and actually think they wrote it?! Unbelieveable. Well not really with crack cocaine. I watched a person go from helping to attacking and stealing. BUT hey w/crack what should I have expected. The evil and deception from this person is so sad to watch. But it matters not as long as you have us to attack crack and we will let "those who steal" pay the price from what comes to thieves, including crackhead thieves which is real easy to understand.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro.... you sound kinda mad.

You are clean.... aint that enough.

You can call me Chaz. My blog site is


Stop in. Lets chat. I got wired to crack too. I am clean about 3 years.

I know how powerful the stuff is. Hey... when I discovered it, I was drinking a lot. I actually said, hey, this crack stuff can get me off booze! Duh. That is how #&*%'d up that stuff is.

But lets rejoice together bro. We are clean. And recovering?

We made it where most dont. Pop by.... lets chat.

Ciao. Chaz

Anonymous said...

Hey Todd...

I have tried a few ways to get clean. Including attending Teen Challenge. Sounds like you believe the Bible? I do too.

What finally worked for me was my 12-step program. Yet, I have two very good friends who kicked much longer-running habits than I had and did not use 12 step programs.

Neither of our experiences compete with the others. Hey... I even know guys who found solutions in Teen Challenge. I am just not one of them.

If your system works for you and others, I am pleased. Hey... it may have worked for me. Who knows.

The main thing is that we have found a way to get clean and find some recovery in our lives. By recovery I mean gaining back things we lost. And in many cases gaining things we never had before.

I am not a 12-step guy who thinks it is the only way. It is simply what worked for me and others I know. Yet not for others I know. Its all good.

God works in many and varied ways.

Thanks for your post on my blog.

Ciao. Chaz

Anonymous said...

I'm six months clean. Every time my mind wonders, I''ll think of the come down. Sweat, lack of sleep, greasy skin, body odor. That WAS me.